IAG Report 1/2011: Evaluation of prevention campaigns

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  • 2011.03
  • DGUV
  • 127
  • DIN A5
  • Englisch
  • p010780

Analyse the parts and see the whole better: Measuring the effects of campaigns of accident insurers

Preventive campaigns are effective campaigns of a limited duration for information and communication of specific goals. They are increasingly being used in accident insurance in Europe to educate specific target groups about subjects relevant to prevention and health and to bring about a change in awareness and behaviour with respect to these goals.

Preventive campaigns are usually financed with public funds, which is why clients and donors, such as the state, self-governing bodies or the private sector are increasingly demanding proof of the effectiveness of these measures.

How can this proof of the effectiveness of preventive campaigns in accident insurance be provided? The IAG Report, drawn up jointly by the Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt (SUVA) [Swiss Accident Insurance Institute], the Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt [General Accident Insurance Institute] in Austria (AUVA) and the Institut Arbeit und Gesundheit der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IAG) [Work and Health Institute of German Statutory Accident Insurance] deals with this question.

The Report contains a levels model for planning and implementing the evaluation of preventive campaigns, based on the experience of the individual institutions. This model is substantiated by the example of the evaluations carried out in the individual countries. Furthermore, it provides evaluators with concrete aids in the form of checklists for planning and implementing the evaluation as well as tips for developing and using instruments.

This brochure is primarily aimed at evaluators of preventive campaigns. They should be able to use the brochure as a reference and an aid in the various phases of evaluation of a preventive campaign. In addition, clients and those active in campaigns can learn from the brochure which aspects are key for a high-quality evaluation.

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