Work from home CHECKLIST - short version

Ausschließlich als PDF zum Download erhältlich.

  • 2022.06
  • DGUV
  • 1
  • DIN A3
  • Englisch
  • p021710

Working from home is becoming increasingly important. As a result, employers and workers are facing the challenge of structuring temporary work in a private setting in a way that is safe and healthy and in accordance with the German Occupational Safety and Health Act and the German Working Hours Act. The “Work from home checklist” provides workers with specific recommendations on how to set up their workstation at home and can be used by employers to assist the assessment of working conditions. The first version of the checklist, which was published in January 2021, has been evaluated and minor adjustments have been made based on the results of the evaluation. The revised version (last amended on 06/2022) is now available to download. The “Work from home checklist” will still be available as a short version and a long version. While the short version presents the recommendations at a glance, the long version also includes explanations and links to further sources of information.

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