Current figures on the defeating of safeguards

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  • 2024.02
  • DGUV
  • 20
  • DIN A4
  • Englisch
  • p022557

Defeating of safeguards is a frequent cause of serious work accidents on machinery. A research project conducted by the former Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (BGIA) and the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for the metalworking industry (which have since merged) was the first to examine background issues and causes. The study published in 2006 revealed that over a third of all safeguards on metalworking machines were bypassed.1 Since then, the topic has increasingly been addressed by directives, regulations and standards. Manufacturers and operators of machinery alike are now obliged to prevent possible incentives for the defeating of safeguards from arising, and to take thorough measures to prevent defeating itself. Despite this, occupational accidents caused by the defeating of safeguards occur time and again, and safety experts across all industries report a sustained incidence of defeating.

To compare this observation with reliable statistics, the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) conducted a survey between 2020 and 2022. In a total of 16 questions, survey participants were asked for their assessment of the current incidence of defeating. 

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