New transponder-based safeguards for rolling mills on plastics and rubber machines (Focus on IFA´s work Nr. 0443)

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  • 2024.12
  • DGUV
  • 2
  • DIN A4
  • Englisch
  • p022704

Serious accidents occur repeatedly on rolling mills in the plastics and rubber industry at drawing-in points where the operating personnel feed the production material to the rolls. Since conventional safeguards such as pressure sensitive bars or light curtains are unsuitable for this work situation, the IFA was commissioned by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI) years ago to investigate the suitability of wrist-worn transponder systems at various rolling mills. This Sheet 443 of the series “Focus on IFA’s work” now describes how the IFA assesses the specific safeguarding concept of a company planning to develop a new system to series production readiness.

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