Study of the unwinding noise generated by a range of adhesive tapes used in industrial applications (Focus on IFA´s work Nr. 0447)
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- Ausgabedatum: 2024.12
- Herausgeber: DGUV
- Seitenzahl: 2
- Format: DIN A4
- Sprache: Englisch
- Webcode: p022706
Across industry, the noise generated by adhesive tape as it unwinds off the roll during the packaging of products causes workplace sound pressure levels that may be potentially harmful to hearing. Some manufacturers are now advertising “low-noise” adhesive tape. Is this merely for marketing purposes, or does it present an opportunity for occupational safety and health? To answer this question the IFA examined the unwinding noise of a number of adhesive tapes under comparable laboratory conditions. This Sheet 447 in the series “Focus on IFA’s work” presents the measurement strategy, the specially developed adhesive tape dispensing system and the results of measurements in the IFA's acoustics laboratory.