Use of the BGHW warehouse simulator to raise awareness of fall hazards (Focus on IFA´s work Nr. 0448)

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  • 2024.12
  • DGUV
  • 2
  • DIN A4
  • Englisch
  • p022707

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Trade and Logistics Iindustry (BGHW) supports workplace prevention with the “mobil”, a truck containing various simulators and exhibits for demonstration and training. For its part, the IFA has extensive experience in using virtual reality (VR) to simulate hazard spots and make them tangible without anyone actually being in danger. This issue 447 of the “Focus on IFA‘s work” series describes how a new exhibit was jointly developed for the “mobil”: a simulator that virtually recreates typical hazards in warehouses that increase the risk of tripping, slipping or misstepping.

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