DGUV Test Rules of Procedure for Testing and Certification - Part 1: Certification of Products, Processes and Quality Management Systems
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- Ausgabedatum: 2024.05
- Herausgeber: DGUV
- Seitenzahl: 32
- Format: DIN A5
- Sprache: Englisch
- Webcode: p300003e
- Bisherige Nummer: BGG/GUV-G 902
These Testing and Certification Rules apply to the conformity assessment procedures of the DGUV Test testing and certification bodies in the areas of products, processes, quality management systems (QM systems) and quality assurance systems (QA systems). The conformity assessment procedures relate in particular to safety and health requirements. It does not apply to the certification of persons.
Changes to the last issue July 2018:
Revision of DGUV Test symbol of Annexes 1 and 2 and editorial changes