DGUV Information 209-093

Training for work on vehicles with high voltage systems

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The DGUV Information describes in which way safe work on vehicles equipped with HV systems can be organized on the basis of the risk assessment. In addition it states minimum requirements for the contents and the scope of the relevant need for training. It describes necessary qualification measures for work in research, development and production as well as in service shops.

Compared to the download version published in July 2021 of the present document, the following amendments were made in cl. 5.1.4 Qualification Level 2S: Fachkundige Person (FHV): more information regarding the skilled occupations where the necessary knowledge can be obtained as well as regarding the qualification necessary to obtain Level 2S. 

Compared with the last version from 2012, the following essential changes were made:

  • Editorial modifications
  • New number 209-093
  • Easier structure, thus better readability
  • Scope more concrete, e.g. not applicable for qualifications for electrotechnical work on 
    • track guided vehicles
    • mounted and fixed equipment of vehicles and working equipment falling under the scope of the Machinery Directive
    • low voltage electrical epuipment
    • vehicles permanently connected to the electricity supply 
    • watercraft and aircraft vehicles
  • New definitions like „Fachkundige Person Hochvolt (FHV)“ and „Fachkundig unterwiesene Person (FUP)“
  • Level model for qualification measures to be applied also in the service sector

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