List of the safety testing of machines - Electrical equipment

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  • 2020.05
  • DGUV
  • 59
  • DIN A4
  • Englisch
  • p021492

EN 60204-1 (2019), "Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – General requirements" is a harmonized (Type B) European standard pursuant to the Machinery Directive. Based upon this standard, the IFA – Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the DGUV has drawn up a checklist with the aid of which the electrical equipment of machines can be tested in a suitable sequence. Since each test phase refers to the relevant section of the standard, the checklist is also useful for users who do not use the standard on a daily basis.

Die deutsche Fassung ist im IFA-Handbuchdigital (Kennzahl 310 212) erschienen.

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